Published quarterly, The Stanger Report includes vital information to help industry professionals keep abreast of the markets for non-listed REITs, BDCs, and other alternative investments. In each issue you will find:
- aggregate market statistics on industry size and fundraising
- comprehensive updates on registered offerings
- Stanger’s total return performance indices for NAV REITs, Lifecycle REITs, and non-listed BDCs
- total returns for identified companies
- performance rankings
- a summary of how listed REITs and BDCs trade relative to NAV
- secondary market trading activity for REITs, BDCs, and other alternative investments
- fee structure comparisons
- company summaries for all currently effective and newly registered offerings, including, the following:
- aggregate NAV and NAV per share by share class
- offering size
- minimum investment
- sponsor contact information
- targeted investments
- current distribution rate
- redemption provisions
- fee structures by share class
- deployable capital after upfront fees and transaction costs.
The Stanger Report is published quarterly and comes in two parts: one for non-listed REITs and one for non-listed BDCs and other alternative investments.
The Stanger Report is available by subscription for $1,599 per year.